Famed for winning an impressive 2479 races, including the record breaking 1989 Japan Cup, meet former champion jockey and sustainable farmer, Lance O’ Sullivan, on our Inspiring New Zealand trip.
Famed for winning an impressive 2479 races, including the record breaking 1989 Japan Cup, meet former champion jockey and sustainable farmer, Lance O’ Sullivan, on our Inspiring New Zealand trip.
Born in Nigeria to Irish parents, Brian Johnston was destined to become a travel writer: he has lived in Switzerland, the UK and China, and now calls Sydney home.
As a connoisseur of good global food, we decided to catch up with Brian to find out more about his favourite food destinations:
Lush green countryside, ruined castles and lucky charms are not the only things that make up the fascinating Emerald Isle. On your next – or first – trip to this verdant land, prepare for the toe-tapping sound of the fiddle as you head to Killarney for a truly immersive experience Irish dancing.
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